Sunday, January 3, 2010

Google Chrome recorded ever best performance

Bangalore: Google's Android and Chrome have recorded their best ever performance in December. In term of mobile browser, Android still trails the iPhone in absolute share of the web with just 0.05 percent versus Apple's 0.44 percent, it grew a much faster 54.8 percent versus just 20.1 percent for Apple's platform, according to a study conducted by NetApplications. The BlackBerry too had a better month at 22.2 percent growth while the only major platforms below them are Symbian (19 percent growth) and Java ME (15.6 percent), reports electronista.

In the web browser section, Chrome has jumped exactly 0.7 points to 4.63 percent to overtake Apple's Safari browser Firefox saw a rare decline in use to 24.61 percent, while Internet Explorer continued its long descent and reached 62.69 percent, the study reported.

Android usage has picked up thanks to many new mobiles who are using Google's operating system. One of the key contributors to this is Motorola Droid that has fueled Android market share with runaway sales.

The desktop operating system has seen some drastic changes past recession. Microsoft's combined OS share dropped to 92.21 percent while the Mac dropped a hundredth of a point to 92.11 percent. Linux was the only desktop platform to see a gain as it edged forward slightly to 1.02 percent. The iPod touch is broken out separately from iPhone share and claims 0.09 percent.

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