Sunday, January 3, 2010

Twitter Password Blacklist

Bangalore: In order to make its service more compact and safe, Twitter has blacklisted 370 passwords which it feels are too common and can be guessed by anyone.

According to the latest study 3.5 percent of people used their first name as password, while 1.6 percent used their last one. Two percent of users chose "123456" and 0.5 percent decided for "password" as their access code. Twitter's list of banned passwords includes them, reports UB News.

Other passwords which are blacklisted include names of popular TV shows, football teams like "Chelsea" and "Arsenal", brands, names of famous cars such as "porsche" and "ferrari", characters, sports places as well along with common dictionary words. "THX1138" - title of the first film by Star Wars fame is also banned. "NCC1701" - the registry number of Star Trek's starship Enterprise - and "trustno1", Fox Mulder's password in The X-Files is also in the list.

Research has shown one in five people use their pets' names for their passwords, while one in eight use unforgettable dates, such as birthdays, and one in 10 use their children's names.

Previous Post's: Godrej Properties to be listed on BSE

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