Monday, May 3, 2010

Google 3D

Bangalore: Google, the search giant has acquired Bump Technologies, which offers BumpTop, an application that can transform the desktop into a slick 3D interface. Founded by Anand Agarawala, BumpTop Technology deals with making the desktop more like a real desk by using three dimensions, icon piles and photo pin-ups.

Since last year, BumpTop has been available for PC and recently it has come up with its Mac version. In a note posted to the company's website, it is said that from June 1 BumpTop will no longer be available for purchase. According to a Google representative, financial details of the deal are not yet disclosed.

Debuted in April 2009, the software allows files to be thrown into loose piles, tidied into neat stacks, or fanned out like a deck of cards. Moreover, the BumpTop Technology could be used in anything from Chrome OS to Android to bolster their interfaces.


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