Monday, May 3, 2010

Free Android phones for Adobe Employees

Bangalore: Last week, Apple snubbed Adobe and heavily criticized its Flash software. Adobe in turn announced it will no longer try to pitch Flash for iPhone. Now, Adobe has decided to support Google's Android platform and it plans to demonstrate a version of Flash for Google's Android software in May at the Google I/O conference. The company wants to make sure its employees use those phones: it's preparing to give away Android phones running Flash to employees, according to sources, reports CNET.

Adobe and Google want to encourage Adobe employees to spend as much time using Android and the Flash Player 10.1 as possible. Google is planning to give every Google I/O attendee their choice of a Motorola Droid or Nexus One. In an event for Google Apps, Google has already given away free Nexus Ones to an audience of CIOs.

It's also not clear if this will be a perk just for Adobe developers or for the entire 8,600 employees Adobe has worldwide.


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