Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apple Tablet to be launched today?

Bangalore: Various rumor mills around the world have been gossiping about Apple's latest invention, a tablet PC, and when it will be launched. Last month Apple announced that it will be launching its latest inventions on 27th January, thus fueling the discussions further. Apple has so far kept everything secretive from the media. But the overwhelming consensus is that Apple will announce a new type of tablet computer, designed primarily to be operated via a touch screen that will resemble an overgrown iPhone, according to the Hindu.

If you still feel that it is possible that Apple might not come up with Tablet then we have something for you. According to the Register, President and CEO of publishing giant McGraw-Hill, Terry McGraw appeared on CNBC's Earnings Central financial-news show and this is what he had to say, ""We've been working with Apple for quite awhile. The tablet is going to be based on the iPhone operating system, and so it'll be transferrable. So what you're going to be able to do now - we have a consortium of ebooks, we have 95 percent of all our materials that are in ebook formats. So now, with the tablet, you're going to open up the higher-education market, the professional market - the tablet is going to be just really terrific."

McGraw seems to have almost confirmed the Apple tablet is on its way. Many experts say that this new tablet will be something between a smartphone and a laptop, or you can say something between iPhone and Mac book. It will be able to surf the web, read electronic books, view digital videos and play games. It will be built around a 10-inch touch sensitive screen and have a long running battery. It will run a version of the Mac OS X operating system, and allow users to download applications through a version of the iPhone App Store. The speculation puts the price of the tablet at between $600 and $1,000, with one notable analyst predicting that Apple will sell 5 million units in its first year, boosting revenue by $3 billion, reports Hindu.

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