Wednesday, December 16, 2009

84 percent of emails in November were spam

Bangalore: Just like any business owner, spammers have been using holidays to increase their revenue. October brought Halloween themed spam, and in early November spammers capitalized on the U.S. Veteran's Day holiday. They're using discounts, free shipping, combo packs, and free samples with purchase, among other marketing strategies, to lure their victims.

In the month of November 2009, three million messages were processed, where 84 percent emails were spam and out of that 86 percent included an embedded URL. The attack attempts to exploit the 'Verified By Visa' program. The phishing email redirects the victim to a spoofed page that harvests all the information the victim provided the card-issuing bank at the time of sign up for the credit card.

A facebook phishing attempt was reported that aims to harvest facebook credentials. Once the victim enters a username and the password, he or she is redirected to an error message claiming an 'incorrect email/password combination'.

The Websense ThreatSeeker Network provides the intelligence to proactively protect against spam and malware - far ahead of traditional anti-spam and anti-virus alone.

Today's pervasive blended threats are best matched by integration of best-in-class Websense Web security with email security for Essential Information Protection.

Previous Post's: Wipro has joined hands with Ariba


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