Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wipro has joined hands with Ariba

Bangalore: With an objective to help Indian firms speed up their spend management initiatives, IT bellwether Wipro has joined hands with spend management solutions provider Ariba to offer these solutions.

Through this partnership, Wipro will leverage the on-demand sourcing solutions from Ariba to help its customers drive procurement process efficiencies and savings that can have a positive outcome on their bottom line, reports PTI. "The economic crisis has taught us lot of things, the most common of them being that companies must procure goods and services for less," said Ramakrishnan R, Vice President and Global Practice Head, Wipro Consulting Services.

Wipro will leverage Ariba sourcing on-demand to expand the strategic cost containment services that it provides to customers and deliver sourcing services through which firms can effectively cut their costs on a wide range of goods and services. "By joining forces with Ariba, we can help companies mature their procurement processes in ways that create superior financial impact for their organizations," Ramakrishnan added.

Previous Post's: Credit card holders loosing their confidence


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