Half million dollars to advertise on Twitter
Bangalore: Microblogging site Twitter, has been offered half a million dollars to feature a single banner advertisement on its pages for just one day, by uSocial, a company that specializes in marketing products and services through the social-networking website.
"While $500,000 may seem like a large amount to invest in one banner for one day, we believe that the investment will be more than worth it," said Leon Hill, CEO of uSocial told Telegraph. Although Twitter has not responded to whether or not the advertisement can go ahead, the site currently does not feature advertising of any kind. However, the company's founders have been mulling over these options as they are looking for a sustainable business model for the microblogging venture.
Earlier this week, Evan Williams, one of Twitter's Co-founders, said that he believed Twitter could create "the most value" on mobile platforms. He said that the company's focus was on improving the product and the technology behind Twitter, and that it would be "a mistake" to shift that focus to revenue.
"We will charge brands but they will only pay if we offer them something worth paying for and the site is working well for them," he told the Telegraph. "We can't force them to pay, and some of them will refuse. However, we need to improve our offering before we do this."
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