Friday, October 23, 2009

(GE) has launched a 'GE Healthymagination Fund' worth $250 million

Fairfield - General Electrics (GE) has launched a 'GE Healthymagination Fund' worth $250 million. The new equity fund is designed for global investment in high-tech enterprises developing innovative diagnostics, healthcare IT, and tools for biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing.

The fund, aimed at supporting UK-headquartered GE Healthcare, will also support companies that are developing new business models and services. It is a part of GE's $6 billion healthymagination initiative aimed at improving the healthcare system. The fund targets three areas for investment: diagnostics (e.g. imaging, contrast agents, molecular diagnostics, patient monitoring ), healthcare IT (electronic medical records), research and development (R&D) tools for biopharmaceutical development or stem cells, and technologies for the manufacturing of biologics.

Previous Post's: Nokia filed suit against Apple Thursday


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