Friday, March 18, 2011

Super Moon or Diaster Moon? - March 19th 2011

The astrological world has been drawn into a frenzy of predictions ever since the news about Extreme Supermoon broke out in the media. The moon will make its closest approach to earth in almost 20 years on March 19, 2011. The harrowing images of the Japan tsunami only acted as a catalyst to speed up astrological forecasts.

Astrology affords us glimpses into an inevitable future. In this case, the clues seem to be differing with different astrologers; just like two doctors, who at times, come up with different medications for the same ailment. Be it crystal gazing, numerology, soothsaying, astrology or tarot reading, the world of foretelling seems to be divided in terms of predictions.

While some warn of extreme disasters and natural calamities, others don’t seem to sniff any danger.

“March 19 2011, will be a very crucial night for the entire world. Not only March 19, but till March 22, the situation will be tense and requires the attention of people from a security point of view. Places with names starting with ‘T’, ‘TO’, ‘PA’, ‘PU’,‘CH’, ‘DHA’, ‘TH‘, ‘ME’, ‘MU’, ‘MA’, ‘MO’, ‘TA’, ‘NA’, ‘NE’, ‘NO’, ‘YA’, ‘THE’ should be on high alert. In these places, there are chances of disasters like earthquake, tsunami, fire in oil refineries and volcanic eruptions,” says astrologer Anita Nigam.

Astrophysicist, Dr S.V. Nagnath, warns of probable danger. “History is a testimony to the fact that disasters are probable due to the Supermoon phenomenon. The New England hurricane of 1938, Australian Hunter Valley floods of 1955, Brisbane Floods of 1974, Indonesian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina of 2004-2005 — all are associated with supermoons in the respective years —1938, 1955, 1974 and 2005. This perplexes both scientists and astrologers. The Supermoon of March 19 could be a reason behind the tsunami in Japan too.”

However, people don’t seem to be thinking on these lines. There has hardly been any news of travel cancellations among the tour operators and agencies.

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