Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tiger Woods wife Elin back to home

Los Angeles: Tiger Woods' wife Elin, who flew with him from Florida to his sex rehab in Arizona in a private jet after his public apology last Friday, is returning home to Orlando with her two kids, say reports. It has also come out that she refused to pose with him for a family portrait before his public apology. After the apology, Woods, wife and two kids left Orlando together, bringing their hired help with them.

"Now we've learned that Elin is expected to return to Orlando within the next few days with the is still undecided if Tiger will return with them,'' said, quoting its unnamed source. It is the first time that the couple are together after the sex scandal linking Woods to 19 women broke in November

"Tiger is trying to put his marriage back together, trying to prove to Elin that he's changed,'' the website quoted the source as saying.

"She hasn't committed to staying in the marriage but the fact that she has been participating in his therapy and went away with him is a big step toward the two of them staying married." Elin is not wearing her wedding ring, but she has asked her lawyer not to file for divorce.

"She and Tiger do not have a physical relationship and when in Orlando live in separate houses,'' the report said. "They had dinner together several nights in a row before the trip. But it wasn't entirely smooth,'' the source said.

According to the source, she is asserting her independence, going out without Tiger Woods, refusing to move back with him and telling him that she has not made up her mind about staying married.

"Everyone who has been around them knows this marriage is extremely damaged but thinks they will stay married for now,'' the source said. Elin had even refused to pose with him the night before his televised apology last Friday, the report said. When Woods insited that she pose for a family portrait, "she told him absolutely no way,'' the source said. He has no leeway with her, and right now" Elin is calling the shots in this marriage,'' the report quoted the source as saying.

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