Monday, February 1, 2010

iPad Updates, i-Pad Updates, Apple iPad Release

The iPad is a tablet computer developed by Apple Inc. It is scheduled to be released in March 2010 (for WiFi only models) and April 2010 (for WiFi + 3G enabled models). It will feature multi-touch interaction with print, video, photo, and audio multimedia, internet browsing, and will run most iPhone OS apps. The device will have an LED-backlit 9.7-inch (25 cm) color IPS LCD display and use a virtual keyboard for text input.

The iPad is to be available for sale at the end of March (Wi-Fi version, worldwide) and end of April (Wi-Fi + 3G version, in the United States and some other countries) 2010. International 3G prices are to be announced summer 2010. The Wi-Fi + 3G iPad will be unlocked so it can be used on other mobile carriers that support GSM micro-SIMs. 3G will be provided in the U.S. by AT&T and sold with two prepaid contract-free data plan options, the cheaper of which only includes 250 MB of data a month, but it is half the price of the unlimited plan. The plans will be activated on the iPad itself and can be canceled at any time.

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