Sunday, December 27, 2009

Microsoft is passed by Apple, Facebook & Google

Bangalore: Don Dodge, a Google employee and former executive of Microsoft says that Microsoft is no longer fast or innovative and is now what IBM was in 1985. He further says that Microsoft is now passed by other companies like Apple, Facebook and Google. But he still feels that Microsoft has an advantage in some areas, particularly development and software, but it now has major competitors in most areas and in some cases has been eclipsed, according to Electronista.

"Very few companies can dominate an industry for more than 20 years," Dodge explains to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "It is just the natural competitive cycle." He adds that having the company founders active and in charge is important to the company dynamic and that Microsoft has lost this with Paul Allen and more recently Bill Gates having left their daily roles. Google is helped by Larry Page and Sergey Brin still working at the company, while Steve Jobs continues to helm Apple.

Dodge says that Microsoft has had its own share of failures in the form of Windows Mobile and Windows Vista. Windows Mobile has not been able to be a tough competition for Apple's iPhone and Google's Android.

Dodge predicts that Microsoft will face trouble in other areas and in 2010 is likely to lose many traditional Office customers to web-based Google technologies like Gmail and Google Apps as they decide to use the cheaper, more frequently updated web tools in place of costly offline software.

Previous Post's: Spice launched M-7070 Mobile

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