Get Inspired your Self !!
Leave the Past, Lead the Present & feel the Future
Losing is the past for Gaining future
Present is the Foundation for Leading future
Don't think of success, just think of your dream and steps you need to go towards success
Loosing and Winning is not static, so be dynamic to be the successful winning Person.
Listen to the Good Advices, but you're the best adviser yourself to lead the life successfully, be a positive role model. Live as a unique person.
Dream high so that you can achieve high, remember one thing success wont come in a single day, just go on the way u want to go until you reach your goal, don't get frightened while facing problems or when troubles are near, just face them bravely. success will be yours, and your dream come's true.
- Mohith Agadi

Get Inspired Yourself by Mohih Agadi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
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