Monday, March 1, 2010

Kick Butts Day 2010, Official Hawaii News

Hawaii: Lt. Governor Aiona on Wednesday joined lawmakers, families and children to rally against tobacco at the 15th annual Kick Butts Day, sponsored by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Kick Butts Day raised awareness about continued tobacco marketing to kids and the need to crack down on these harmful practices.

"Tobacco and alcohol are two powerful substances that threaten the well-being of Hawai`i's young people," Lt. Governor Aiona said. "Both are driven by strong industries with billions of dollars to spend on advertising and promotion of their products."

In Fall 2008, advocates from various anti-tobacco organizations took matters into their own hands and created a survey to try to collect accurate information about how much of this promotion exists in Hawai`i.

According to their findings, every year the tobacco industry spends more than $12.8 billion nationwide and $42.1 million in Hawai`i on advertising and marketing.

Additionally, studies show that exposure to this storefront advertising/promotion is directly related to young people using alcohol and tobacco. This is especially true with tobacco as studies show storefront advertising/promotion is more influential than peer pressure.

Tobacco and Alcohol Advertising Survey was a collaborative project between MADD, REAL, Coalition for Tobacco Free Hawai`i, State Department of Health Tobacco Prevention Education Program & Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division, and Cancer Research Center of Hawai`i.

The results of this survey can be used to create policies that protect our young people from the harms of tobacco and alcohol and lessen the influence of these powerful companies in Hawai`i.

Currently, there is a bill moving through the state legislature that would divert tobacco prevention funds to the state treasury. House Bill 2887 would transfer the tobacco prevention and control money to the state's general fund for five years as of July 1.

For more information on the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, visit

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