Monday, March 1, 2010

Focus on skills will serve Australia’s future well

Australia (1st March): Minister for Employment Participation, Mark Arbib, today said the Australian Government’s improvements to training packages will help grow a skilled workforce to meet future needs.

Speaking at the opening of the Service Skills Australia National Conference in Sydney, Senator Arbib outlined the government’s plans for ensuring the quality of Australian education and training.

Senator Arbib said the Australian Quality Training Framework would allow for more uniformity in training packages.

“The Australian Quality Training Framework will ensure that employers anywhere in Australia can have faith in a uniform qualification, when someone uses it to apply for a job,” Senator Arbib said.

Senator Arbib also stressed the importance of businesses taking on apprentices and trainees; ensuring Australia has enough skilled workers to meet demand and grow, despite challenging global economic conditions.

“As we gear up for potentially 80 major projects in the mining and LNG sectors in the next decade, generating up to 70,000 jobs, we need to ensure we keep training staff,” Senator Arbib said.

“When these projects come on line they source workers from all sectors and the best way to combat skill shortages in the future is to boost training now.”

Comprehensive industry training packages and government incentives are available to support employers who take on apprentices and trainees.

Employers can phone 13 38 73 to contact an Australian Apprenticeships Centre for more information. More information on Australian Apprentices can be found at

Service Skills Australia is one of the Industry Skills Councils funded by the Australian Government and brings together representatives from industry sectors from areas including tourism, hospitality and retail.

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