Solar Eclipse; January 15th, 2010
This is the longest lasting solar eclipse since the annular solar eclipse on January 4, 1992, which had lasted for about 11 minutes and 41 seconds. This duration will not be equalled or exceeded until the annular solar eclipse of December 23, 3043, which is 1033 years ahead of 2010!
In India, one can watch the eclipse from Nagercoil, Tuticorn, Palayankottai and Trichendur in Tamil Nadu and from Surat, Ahmedabad and Kutch in Gujarat. In its four-hour journey, the obstructing shadow of the moon will travel around the earth covering 0.87% of its surface along an eclipse path of 13,000 km.
The last time a total solar eclipse appeared in India was way back in 1976 when it was visible in the north eastern parts of Jammu and Kashmir.
According to N Ratnashri, Director, Nehru Planetarium, the oncoming eclipse, however, will be partial in India. Initially, it will be visible in the western parts of the country and later will be noticeable in the eastern parts. People in the southern parts of Mizoram could also sight it, she added. The eclipse will appear in the North Eastern State between 12: 18 and 3:32 pm.
The total solar eclipse appearing on January 15, however, will not be the only eclipse appearing this year. A partial lunar eclipse will occur on June 26 followed by another total solar eclipse on July 11 and a total lunar eclipse on December 21.
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