Monday, January 11, 2010

Mobile Phone will cry, if you leave it behind

Las Vegas: Taking one step ahead in the cell phone innovation, Zomm, a startup from Tulsa, Okla, has designed a phone, which would call out to you, letting you know it was about to be left behind, reports Bangalore Mirror.

The company states that this new innovation could help in reducing the number of handsets being lost or stolen. The company showed off a small device that does just that at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last week. The device is also named as 'Zomm', connects wirelessly with your phone via Bluetooth and sets off an alarm if you walk away from it.

This device includes an alarm that a cell phone user can activate and a button that will call emergency services with his phone. Apart from working as a speakerphone, this device will also alert users of incoming calls. The product includes a rechargeable battery that can last for three days per charge and is expected to be available early this year for $80 (Rs.3,600 approx).

This idea came to the mind of Laurie Penix, Co-founder and President of Zomm, after her friend's husband lost his third iPhone.

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