Friday, January 15, 2010

Mobile Phone that works with Soft-Drinks

Bangalore: Now thanks to a Chinese designer Daizhi Zheng, we may soon be able to use mobile phones that use soft drinks like Coca Cola instead of lithium batteries, reports

Zheng who has been working on this revolutionary device for Finnish cellphone maker Nokia, claims that he has come up with a way of using sugar-based drinks to power mobiles. Any sweet drink, even sugar-sweetened water would be enough to keep the phone running much longer than lithium batteries.

The bio-battery generates electricity from carbohydrates, using special enzymes as catalysts. In the process, the device generates oxygen and water. According to Zheng, his sugar-based bio-battery lasts up to four times longer than a fully charged lithium battery and is much easier to recharge: just pour some more sweet fuel.

Since lithium batteries are very expensive and harmful for the environment, if Zheng's Coke-powered cellphone turns out to be real, it would be a significant breakthrough.

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