Friday, January 29, 2010

Microsoft to record revenue through windows 7

Seattle: The successful launch of new operating system Windows 7 propelled Microsoft to record revenue in the fourth quarter of 2009, the software giant reported Thursday. Microsoft reported net income of $6.7 billion, a 60 percent increase on the year prior, while revenue rose 18 percent to $19 billion.

"This is a record quarter for Windows units," Kevin Turner, Microsoft's chief operating officer, said in a news release. "We are thrilled by the consumer reception to Windows 7 and by business enthusiasm to adopt Windows 7."

The company said it sold more than 60 million Windows 7 licenses in the second quarter, making the operating system Microsoft's fastest-selling in history. That helped the company's Windows and Windows Live division rack up $6.9 billion in revenue, an increase of about a third over the period a year earlier.

But Microsoft's entertainment division, which includes its Xbox business, saw revenue fall from $3.3 billion to $2.9 billion, while its Business Division's revenue also tapered from $4.88 billion to $4.74 billion.

Previous Post's: Rebecca Diamond on Fox business network

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