Wednesday, January 20, 2010

iPhone App that offers free background check

Bangalore: A new app from BeenVerified may intensify the controversy surrounding online privacy as it enables users to conduct background checks on anyone in just few seconds from their iPhone. The Background Check App is free and employers and individuals can use it to conduct up to three free background checks per week through the iPhone, reports PCWorld.

Users can also subscribe to the BeenVerified service which would grant them unlimited background checks starting at only $8 per month. "A BeenVerified background check contains information collected from thousands of public records and publicly available data where the average person would not even know where to begin. All of the information found in our reports is already out there and accessible to anyone," said Josh Levy, CEO of BeenVerified.

The app has generated some controversy from opponents who feel the background checks are a violation of privacy. Many people may have personal personas that they would prefer employers not know about. However, Levy doesn't think that it is a violation of privacy. "It is not a violation of privacy to aggregate the data and present it in one place. The average person would not even know where to begin finding all of this public information and we help present public records in a way that maximizes the usefulness of the information," he told PCWorld.

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