Wednesday, January 13, 2010

IBM received 4,914 U.S. patents in 2009

Bangalore: Technology giant IBM announced that it has received 4,914 U.S. patents in 2009, marking the 17th consecutive year it has topped the list of the world's most inventive companies. IBM also announced that, for the first time, it will offer its invention know-how and patent portfolio management software to clients seeking to enhance their intellectual property (IP) management capabilities in support of innovation-based growth strategies.

IBM's know-how and patent management software can help innovative companies effectively evaluate their patent portfolios, identify new patent opportunities, and more closely align their business and IP strategies. IBM's 2009 patent total nearly quadrupled Hewlett-Packard's and exceeded the combined issuances of Microsoft, HP, Oracle, Apple, Accenture and Google.

"IBM has a strong commitment to creating a collaborative and open environment in the patent and intellectual property arena. The availability of IBM's know-how and software will help our customers establish and manage their patent and IP portfolios more effectively," said Dr. Guruduth Banavar, Director, IBM Research - India and Chief Technologist, IBM India and South Asia

In addition, IBM published almost 4,000 technical inventions in 2009, instead of seeking patent protection, thereby making the inventions freely available to others. Consequently, the inventions are freely available in a public database of prior art and can be cited by patent offices in limiting the scope of patent applications.

IBM's patent and IP experts have developed and used the patent management software for over a decade to help analyze, assess and effectively administer its portfolio of more than 30,000 U.S. patents. The patent management software, coupled with the company's experience, has enabled IBM to balance its patent and intellectual property strategy with its business needs and generate new ways to derive more value from patents.

Previous Post's: Sonata Software stock was among the top gainers

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