Monday, January 18, 2010

Google URL Shortener

Bangalore: Google has become the latest entrant in a competition of websites offering smaller URLs ( page). However, Google has restricted its access only to those who use it with the Google toolbar and for those who use FeedBurner.

Google claims that its service is faster, more stable, and more secure. Google will be able to look ahead during searched to verify that the target link isn't that of a malware site before redirecting, according to Think Digit.

Twitter's was the first to come up with the URL shortening process. Now, even Facebook is offering service, which is widely used for its mobile site.

In response to this proliferation of URL shorteners, the current leading service and favourite with Twitter, has announced a Pro feature which will allow people to use custom domain names with the service, allowing for possibilities such as for the New York Times website, powered by and with full statistics and analytics.

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