Sunday, January 17, 2010

Facebook & Twitter on Yahoo! Mail

Bangalore: Trying to make Yahoo! Mail more interactive, give users a social experience and stay with the people they care about most, Yahoo plans to integrate with Facebook and Twitterby 2010 end.

Bryan Lamkin, Senior Vice President, Consumer Products at Yahoo said, "With the integration of Yahoo and Facebbok, we can enable users to share meaningful content with their friends." Yahoo!'s Facebook Connect integration will give consumers richer experiences on Yahoo!, including in Yahoo! Mail and on properties like Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Sports, and Yahoo! Finance.

It will allow them to connect with Facebook friends on Yahoo!, view a feed of their friends' related activity on Yahoo!, and share content - such as photos from Flickr or comments on news stories, with all of their friends on Facebook. The content that consumers share with Facebook friends will then create a loop that drives visitors back to Yahoo!

This partnership will not only help Yahoo users, but it will also allow Facebook users to access their stream and update their status from the Yahoo! homepage, provides 'Share on Facebook' options across the Yahoo! network, and allows Facebook to access Yahoo! Contacts. People who use Yahoo! and Facebook will soon be able to share updates across both networks, creating a richer and more relevant social experience by connecting the broad range of Yahoo! content and services with their friends on Facebook.

Yahoo! is also trying to make mail more secure, safe and personal by blocking 300 billion spam messages every month.

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