Friday, January 22, 2010

Facebook to build its datacenter

Bangalore: Facebook has decided to begin building its own datacenters, and may announce its first facility soon. The social networking company had previously leased server space from wholesale datacenter providers, but has grown to the point where the economics favor a shift to a custom-built infrastructure, reports Rich Miller of Data Center Knowledge.

"Facebook is always looking at ways to scale our infrastructure and better serve our users," said Facebook Spokesperson Kathleen Loughlin said last week. "It should come as no surprise that, at some point, building a customized datacenter will be the most efficient and cost effective way to to do this. However, we have nothing further to announce at this time."

Facebook will build the 147,000 square foot datacenter project in Prineville, Oregon. The datacenter is being built by Vitesse LLC on behalf of an unidentified tenant. But Vitesse has said that the company is not Google or Yahoo.

Facebook's move to build its own datacenters was foreshadowed by its plans to implement custom servers and an innovative power path design, which will allow the company to reduce the energy loss during power distribution from the current 35 percent to about 15 percent.

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