Friday, January 29, 2010

Duplicate Google and YouTube in China

Beijing: As Google is contemplating whether to leave China or not after recent cyber attack, fake Google and YouTube websites are popping up in the country. offers videos from the real YouTube, which is owned by Google and blocked in China. The Google imitation is called Goojje and includes a plea for the U.S.-based company not to leave China, after it threatened this month to do so in a dispute over Web censorship and cyber attacks, according to Hindu.

So far the Chinese authorities have not pulled the site down. China's National Copyright Administration has been cracking down on illegally run Web sites and this month issued a code of ethics, but no statement was posted on its site on Thursday about the new imitations.

Google had little to comment. "The only comment I can give you right now is just to confirm that we're not affiliated," spokeswoman Jessica Powell said in an e-mail.

"I did this as a public service," the Founder of the YouTube knockoff, Li Senhe, told The Christian Science Monitor in an instant message conversation.

Goojje, is a search engine that looks like a combination of Google and its top China competitor, Baidu. "Exactly speaking, Goojje is not a search engine but a platform for finding friends," one of the Founders, Xiao Xuan, told the Henan Business Daily on Wednesday.

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