Tuesday, January 19, 2010

China denies hacking blame

Washington: China Tuesday said reports of attacks by Chinese hackers on Indian government computers were "without basis", a media report said.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said at a press briefing in Beijing that China is one of the biggest victims of hacker attacks, the Wall Street Journal reported on its website Tuesday. Hacker attacks on China from outside the country rose 148 percent in 2008, Ma was quoted as saying.

Earlier, M. K. Narayanan, India's National Security Adviser, said his office and other government departments were targeted by hackers Dec 15, London-based The Times reported Monday.

"People seem to be fairly sure it was the Chinese. It is difficult to find the exact source but this is the main suspicion. It seems well-founded," the report quoted Narayanan as saying.

Internet search giant Google last week said it may leave China after an investigation found the company was the target of major hacking attacks in December that it believed originated from China, the report at online.wsj.com said.

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