Thursday, December 17, 2009

Iranian Cyber Army Hacked Twitter

Bangalore: The millions of Twitter buffs are at dismay as Twitter gets hacked for the fourth time consecutively, this year. The last time it was hacked in August this year, Twitter said in its status blog that it was 'defending against a denial-of-service attack,' in which hackers command scores of computers to a single site at the same time, preventing legitimate traffic from getting through. This time the site seems to be hacked by an Iranian Cyber Army.

It marks an already difficult week for Twitter. Its application Twitterfeed had a data migration only this weekl, leaving many users with a reduced service. The new hack is nothing but an added woe. The problem started sometime last night. The site, which has been hacked for the fourth time this year, is offline and the message reads, "This site has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army.

" The message at the bottom of the hacked page, and has been translated from Urdu by Tech Crunch, goes on to say, "U.S.A. Think they are controlling and managing Internet by their access, but they don't. We control and manage Internet by our power, so do not try to stimulation Iranian peoples to... NOW WHICH COUNTRY IN EMBARGO LIST? IRAN? USA? WE PUSH THEM IN EMBARGO LIST ;) Take Care."

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