Friday, December 18, 2009

Google Zeitgeist for 2009

Bangalore: Google India announces its year end Google Zeitgeist for 2009, a reflection of what Indians were searching through the year. The 2009 year- end India Zeitgeist gives a glimpse of events, moments and trends that shaped the year that was.

Google Zeitgeist 2009 shows that global economic downturn and local implications were clearly on India's mind as Budget 2009 and Satyam share price emerged as the fastest rising queries. Connecting with friends continued to be top priority for Indians as social networking sites attracted significant interest on the mobile as well as the web. Young politicians such as Rahul Gandhi and Sachin Pilot were hailed as the new face of political leadership in the country. With corporate woes and recession news, more people looked for ways to meditate and concentrate.

Romance scored over action, fantasy and drama - with Love Aaj Kal emerging as the most searched movie of the year. Katrina Kaif ruled the minds of Indians for the second straight year while 'mobile' Indians keyed in queries on cricket to stay abreast with their favorite sport.

"The end of the year is a time when most of us look back in retrospect on moments and patterns that defined our year. The Google India Zeitgeist provides a reflection of what was on people's minds in 2009. Besides serving as a great indicator of what made news through the year, Zeitgeist 2009 also provides a unique perspective on what clicked with people and the way they consumed information on the Internet. Considering our mobile search traffic for 2009 has quadrupled as compared to the last two years put together, this year we have put additional focus on users who access Internet through their mobile phones," said Vinay Goel, Head of Products, Google India.

To compile the 2009 Year-End Zeitgeist, Google studied the aggregation of billions of queries people typed into Google search in 2009. It used data from multiple sources, including Insights for Search, Google Trends and internal data tools. It also filtered out spam and repeat queries to build out lists that best reflect the spirit of the times. All of the search queries that search giant studied are anonymous - no personal information was used. Except where noted, all of these search terms are most popular for 2009 - ranked in order of the queries with the largest volume of searches this year. In some cases, we list the "fastest rising" queries, which means we found the most popular searches conducted in 2009 and then ranked them based on how much their popularity increased compared to 2008.

Google Zeitgeist 2009 is a real reflection of the spirit of the nation which saw all the ups and downs and yet remained true to its love for entertainment, peace and hope!

Previous Post's: John Abraham to produce film


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