Monday, December 21, 2009

Google Wave Invitation, Get it now!

Google Wave is "a personal communication and collaboration tool" announced by Google at the Google I/O conference on May 27, 2009.

It is a web based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merge e-mail, instant messaging, wiki, and social networking. It has a strong collaborative and real-time focus supported by extensions that can provide, for example, robust spelling/grammar checking, automated translation between 40 languages, and numerous other extensions.

It was announced in Google's official blog on July 20, 2009, that the preview of Google Wave will be extended to about 100,000 users on September 30, 2009. At that point, the current view of the Google Wave website (which is a preview with the keynote embedded), will be replaced with the application itself. Read More. .

GET Google Wave INVITATION NOW (free)
Simply e-mail us with the Subject: "Google Wave Invitation" to:

Limited Invitations Available, Hurry Up!

iEncyclopedia is not affiliated or not a Google's Service. iEncyclopedia is a non-government, non-commercial organization Read More. .


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