Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Capgemini to hire 6000 people by 2010

Bangalore: To strengthen its presence in India, Capgemini, the information technology services and consulting major, plans to add 6,000 people over the next 12 months. This step will make this the company's largest global centre, with over 26,000 employees. The company has a little over 20,000 employees at its headquarters in Paris, reports Business Standard.

In his interview to Business Standard, Salil Parekh, Chief Executive Officer (Financial Services), Capgemini India and Asia Pacific said, "The work at our centre in Chennai is already in progress. When it gets completed, it will have capacity of 20,000. The first phase of the centre will be ready by February-March 2010 and we will have close to 600 people working from there."

The company has already hired 1,000 people for the centre of excellence being set up for its business information management unit (BIM). Paul Nannetti, General Manager, Capgemini's Global BIM Service Line, said, "This is a significant shift on our part. By doing this, we are placing India at the centre of gravity. This also means clients are ready to shift their core process, like business intelligence, offshore." Besides BIM, the company has selected four other growth potential areas. These four offerings are testing, application development and maintenance, infostructure transformation services and smart-X, smart metering and smart grids. "It is not that we are not present in these sectors, but we are now gearing our focus in this," said Parekh.

With the completion of one year in the Indian market, the company gears up to increase the business in India.

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