Lok Satta Party
# To establish a new political culture which will place the citizen at the center of governance;
# To protect the unity and integrity of India at all times and create a secular and just republic in which the citizen will be the true sovereign;
# To nurture, protect and promote the constitutional values of liberty, justice and equality for all;
# To create a political, economic and social environment which will ensure equal opportunities for vertical mobility to all sections of society, irrespective of caste, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
# To eliminate all forms of discrimination by birth and guarantee dignity and opportunity to every citizen irrespective of origin and status; and to promote social equality and justice and fully integrate all disadvantaged sections including dalits, adivasis and socially and economically backward classes;
# To ensure that every child, irrespective of her origins and socio-economic position, has reasonable access to quality education which will provide an opportunity to fulfill her true potential.
# To build a viable and effective healthcare system which reaches every man, woman and child and guarantees good health to all, irrespective of economic status or birth;
# To promote and implement policies aimed at rejuvenation of Indian agriculture, and substantial enhancement of rural incomes and improvement of quality of life;
# To ensure that every young person acquires adequate knowledge and skills to make her a productive partner in wealth creation and thereby promote gainful employment and economic opportunities;
# To ensure that every family,, rural or urban,, gets access to basic amenities of life including housing, sanitation and transport and opportunity for earning a decent livelihood;
# To provide social security to the vast, underpaid, dispossessed and unorganized sector workers;
# To empower women and provide opportunities for their economic, social and political advancement;
# To promote public awareness about democratic functioning of all institutions of governance and encourage reasoned debate and healthy public discourse.
# To establish a people-centric democratic polity based on liberty, self-governance, empowerment of citizens, rule of law and self-correcting institutional mechanisms.
# To work for fundamental political, electoral and governance reforms listed below:
* Effective separation of legislature, executive and judiciary at all levels with appropriate checks and balances;
* Political reforms which make elections truly democratic, representative and transparent; facilitate and promote the participation of men and women of integrity in the political process and curb electoral malpractices;
* Effective empowerment of local governments at all levels in all respects as participative tiers of constitutional, democratic governance with their own legislature and executive, in a manner that authority and accountability fuse, and the link between vote and public good and taxes and services is fully established;
* Speedy, accessible, effective and affordable justice at all levels to all citizens, irrespective of means and station at birth;
* Insulate crime investigation from the vagaries of partisan politics and to make police effective, citizen friendly, accountable and just in all respects;
* Combat corruption and mis-governance through an institutional framework which will enhance transparency and accountability at all levels of administration.
Official website: http://www.loksatta.org
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