Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Karnataka State Rifle Association's Partiality

Following words are pulled out from my heart, after live experience of mine (Mohith AGadi) with Karnataka State Rifle Association (Mr. Krupakar: Secretary of KSRA). My intention is: no other should face this type of situation/disappointment any more.


The main aim of Karnataka State Rifle Association or Any Rifle Association must be to encourage the candidate who comes to join the Rifle shooting… but not to discourage… When a Right Candidate approaches for joining Association… Is it right Krupakar Sir…? I think you agree with the above statement…Right! And I feel you also agree with following too… a few points that are right… the Count begins… No. 1: Only the people with real interest & right attitude approaches you not others. No. 2: Rifle shooting is not an ordinary Sport to learn. No. 3: Rifle shooting demands specific interest… time… money… enthusiasm… & overall the learner must have a real genuine passion for the sport… Right!

Even though people are coming forward & showing readiness to join the Rifle Association even in this busy life schedule means there is something that is countable & must be taken into consideration by the Karnataka State Rifle Association Management… that is… “Candidates Genuine Passion” towards the sport “Rifle shooting”.

No one ever say not to follow rules & regulations during intake of candidates into Association. But what I feel is to consider the basic requirement that is “candidate’s genuine passion for the sport”. And one has to go out of circle sometimes & be flexible in such cases when the matter is within your hands… & within your reach of considerations & acceptance for the Association membership. Since the Karnataka State Rifle association aim will be always only to provide boosting to inculcate & develop interest in Rifle shooting but not to discourage the candidates who are approaching.

On one hand Encouragement leads to the addition of mouth publicity for the Karnataka State Rifle Association too which further raises the standards of the Association & improves the membership too… While on other hand if Discouragement continues in this fashion with VIP partiality… then definitely it turns to be giving out a wavy nod out intensions & makes the Association a secondary choice by the public.

And I also wish to convey that Karnataka State Rifle Association Management & to Mr. Krupakar must not show any partiality in approving the Association membership & not to give weightage to the VIP related candidates & turn down others who are reaching with willing attitude to join the Rifle Association who is waiting for this opportunity from a long time & with a long lasting wish in their heart to learn Riffle Shooting in their lifetime. So what my final augmented request is: TO BE IMPARTIAL in Rifle Association membership intake. If incase IF BEING IMPARTIAL is not Possible for the Karnataka State Rifle Association Management & for Mr. Krupakar then what my suggestion is to change the Karnataka State Rifle Association to VIP’S Rifle Association instead. So that no common man will never think & never approach the Karnataka State Rifle Association for joining as a member… whenever they see the Rifle Association, though they feel the surging Passion raising their blood levels towards Rifle Shooting Sport then. I leave the choice to the Karnataka State Rifle Association Management to either be IMPARTIAL in membership intake or else CHANGE the Association name to VIP’S Association.


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