Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Scarlett Johansson Nude Photos Leaked

Ho, hum. Another actress gets "hacked," and nude photos "leaked." I don't buy it.

In Hollywood, there's no such thing as bad publicity, especially when there's nudity involved. Naked pictures and videos have given incredible boosts to the careers of Paris Hilton, Vanessa Hudgens, Rihanna, etc. They always act shocked that such pictures got out there, and yet somehow famous people who need publicity keep taking pictures of themselves and carrying them around on cell phones that can easily be lost, stolen or hacked.

You'll notice that the pictures are always flattering, rarely too revealing and almost never embarrassing.

They get everyone on the Internet talking about the subject matter. They get all the gossip rags talking.

I think these things are almost always deliberately staged, and careful orchestrated. Especially in this case. You'll notice that the body parts carefully revealed are the same body parts carefully revealed on the cover of Vanity Fair and in a few movies.

It seems to me that a huge number of actresses take such photos and place them in hackable locations knowing that the resulting publicity will be a huge career boost.

What do you think?


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