Sunday, March 6, 2011

Find the operating system in bad SQL

Find operating system in a bad sql old topic, we have to the actual situation according to their plan. Must not be dogmatic use of this part of the tips described below. Application of this part of the SQL database statement, the group will generate operating system table, of course, increases the load on the system. Views of most people in the system some time after startup, in the middle of the night time load in less time (for example: a month) to check. Difficult to determine the specific plan should be specific.

The following is a part of my collection to find bad sql tips:
- SQL database running times and more
- Read more hard disk SQL database
- Sorted by number of SQL database
- The number of planning too much, too little number of runs, tied variables to use to write sql tricks
- Observation of the cursor
- View the current user running the SQL database & usertitle


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