Monday, June 21, 2010

Preparing our Students for a Global Economy

"This new law will help to ensure our students have the tools and quality time in the classroom they need to succeed,” Lt. Governor Aiona said.

Under the new law, the State Department of Education must maximize the amount of instructional time and provide at least 180 days of instruction, which significantly increases classroom time for Hawai`i's public elementary, middle and high school students.

Currently, Hawai`i has the shortest amount of instructional time in the nation totaling 4 hours and 43 minutes per day compared to the average of 5-and-a-half hours per day of instructional time (990 hours per school year) of 32 states. Sixteen states mandate a minimum of 6 hours of instruction per day (1,080 hours per school year).

"The key to Hawai`i's long-term prosperity and broad-based economic growth is a world-class public education system for our young people," added the Lt. Governor. "For Hawai`i to compete in a world transformed by the boundless opportunities of the 21st Century, and to ensure that we develop and keep local talent and jobs, we must prepare our youth for a global economy based on innovation."


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