Monday, June 14, 2010

Motorola's Intelligence Everywhere

According to “Intelligence Everywhere” future technologies by Motorola could enable a user to find a public rest room, bar or even a fountain by using the GPRS and GPS service of a cell phone that detects small transmitters in these public places. It could also enable a user to find dinner reservations from their GPRS enabled cell phone or find parking spots by detecting parking meters that contain sophisticated transmitters that not only transmit their locations but also status like how long the car has been parked and recharging could be done by phone as well. Another innovation that would be brought by Intelligence Everywhere is that police vehicles would be able to perform complete analysis on a fingerprint acquired from a crime scene, as opposed to delayed procedure in a lab.

Apart from these innovations devices would be able to communicate with their selves automatically. For instance, refrigerators would detect when a certain food product is finished or spoilt and according to settings defined by the user, would send automated messages to convenient store to order the particular products which would then be delivered to the house.

“Intelligence Everywhere” is a new slogan by Motorola for it’s under development technologies that would allow everyday appliances to communicate with each other making everything extremely easy for the people who use those appliances. Some examples of the communications could be found on the Motorola website where they explain very smartly how different appliances like a refrigerator, a washing machine, a cell phone, a PDA or even a parking meter could communicate with each other to make tasks like finding a parking spot or finding a rest room in public places, extremely easy.


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