JNTU Hyderabad MBA, MCA Time Tables 2010
JNTU-HYD: MBA (2 & 4 SEM REGULAR, 1 & 3 Sem SUPPLE) & MCA (2 & 4 REGULAR & 1, 3 & 5 SUPPLE) EXAMS Notifications & Time Tables
This university has been deemed an autonomous one after Act No 30 of the approval of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature known as the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Universities Act, 2008 which came into force on 18th August, 2008. It is a teaching cum research oriented university consisting of the constituent and affiliated colleges. The main officers and councils of the university are Chancellor, Vice-chancellor, Rector, Executive council and Academic Senate. The Governor of Andhra Pradesh shall be the Chancellor of the university. The first vice-chancellor of the university is Dr.D.N.Reddy a brilliant administrator and widely read scholar.