IIHMR Jaipur - Indian Institute of Health Management Research
The Indian Institute of Health Management Research (or IIHMR) is a niche institute in Health & Hospital Management. Established in 1984, in Jaipur, IIHMR is the first of its kind in India, with attention solely focused on health systems improvement and management. Recognized by Department of Science & Technology , Ministry of Finance and Government of India as a Research Institution. Accredited to International Hospital Federation & Association of University Programmes in Health Administration.
The institute currently awards postgraduate diplomas with specialization in pharmaceutical management, hospital management and health management for administering the public health systems.
It takes 120 students every year who have sat through the MAT entrance, followed by rounds of group discussion and an interview.
The Institute undertakes training, research and consultancy in health management in close collaboration with international organizations such as UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, ODA, DANIDA, KFW & GTZ, NORAD, CARE and USAID. Working for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (GOI), Planning Commission, Indian Council of Medical Research, state governments and others. International Linkages collaborated with University of North Carolina, USA to offer masters programme to candidates from South-Asia.
Working together as partners, disseminating information and sharing knowledge at the national and global levels are the fundamental ethos of the Institute. An emphasis has been given to networking with prestigious universities and organizations at the international and national levels.