JNTU Anantapur, Postpone of B.Tech & B.Pharma exams Sheduled on 3 & 4th June - New Time Table!
JNTU Anantapur: (28-05-2010) CE lr reg. postponement of BTech & BPharma exams Sheduled on 3rd & 4th june 2010. The first year regular & supplementary, II, III, IV years I semester supplementary May June 2010 University examinations scheduled on 3rd and 4th of June are postponed in view of ECET 2010 examination as per the advice of the AP state council for Higher Education. The detailed time tables for the postponed examinations (View Time Table).
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About JNTUJNTU College of Engineering, Anatapur stands aloft on a solid foundation of past glory and prestige. This college was started in the year 1946, under the post war reconstruction program and functioned at guindy campus, Madras for two years and was shifted to Anantapur in 1948. It was in the year 1958 that the college was shifted to the present permanent buildings accommodating the Administrative block, Laboratories, the Engineering Departments, Library and the Hostel blocks.
During the first 25 years of its existence, it was affiliated to the Madras and S V University and produced distinguished alumni, who are holding high positions, in India and abroad. It has great tradition to be proud of. Fortified with the traditional values and dedicated spirit of the staff and the students, it would rise upto any occasion or meet any challenge confidently.
In the year 1972 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University was formed and the college became a constituent college of the University. With this a new era was ushered in Technical Education. Consequently there was an impetus to the academic activity of this college. Though the College was initially established to provide basic technical education, with the passage of time, it emerged out, as one of the colleges to fulfil the technological need of our fast developing India with highly professional and well-trained graduates.
The college has vast campus sprawling over an area of 250 acres, in a peaceful atmosphere, away from the dust and din of the town. There are four hostels for men and two for women with reasonable accommodation and facilities for the outstation students. The college also has staff quarters very near to the college. The Library is well equipped with Journals, Magazines, Textbooks, and Reference manuals.
The college offers Four-year B.Tech regular programmer in the disciplines of Civil Engineering (CE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Chemical Engineering (ChE). The admission to these courses is based on EAMCET. The college further offers Four-Year B.Tech part-time programs in CE, ECE, EEE and ME. The admission is based on ECET.
The college offers M.Tech courses in the following specializations:
Civil Engineering : Structural Engineering
Mechanical Engineering : Heat Power (Refrigeration & Air Condition)
Electrical Engineering : Electrical Power Systems
The intake for these courses is on the basis of GATE Examination for non-sponsered candidates and through an entrance test conducted by the University for sponsored candidates.
The college also offers part time PG programmes in the Electrical Engineering branch with an intake of 30 students.
The placement cell arranges campus interviews through which a good number of student get employment and training in leading organizations both in public and private sectors.
The College offers Industrial Consultancy Services in the areas of Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering Environmental Engineering and Surveying in Civil Engineering and the Department of Electrical offers Consultancy in electrical machines and measurements. The Department of Chemistry has undertaken a good numbers of consultancy works for the analysis of alloys, medical compounds and water. The college has potential to undertake consultancy works in image processing and software development.
The college has received a considerable grant from MHRD and AICTE, which has enabled the college to modernise the equipment in the various labs. The ISTE chapter, Institution of Engineers student chapter of the college help the students by organising seminars and workshops on various topics. The students also represent the college at national level seminars,ultural meets in and out of the University winning laurels to the Institution.