Thursday, May 6, 2010

Add Images in "Orkut About Me" - It's Very Easy!

Hi friends, I know how crazy you are about orkut. Hmm ofcourse i know that you are also very much interested in new features of orkut. Here i will tell you, how to add images (pictures, photos) in Orkut About Me. Old Orkut don't have this feature, still you can enable this feature in your old Orkut. Follow simple steps as i explained below:

> Login to your Orkut Account, after loggin in Pl. Switch to New orkut by clicking on "try the new orkut!" button which appears at the top of your profile.

> After switching to New Orkut, simply goto your profile page & edit it. After clicking on edit option you can find an option to Add Images, with that option you can upload your photo/picture directly to your profile about me. After Uploading the picture Pl. Click on "Save" Button.

> So, now your profile "about me" was updated with picture, this picture is now visible to everyone in orkut (according to your privacy settings). You're not yet done completely, you're just 1 step away to complete the process.

> Now you need to return back to old orkut. To get back to old orkut interface, you need to click on the option "older version" which appears at the top of your orkut profile. After clicking on the "older version" link your orkut will be switched to old orkut interface. Now your profile "about me" will be still appeared with the Image/Picture which you have added at new orkut interface.

If you have any query, get back to me at: reach[at]mohith[dot]net

Mohith Agadi
Orkut ID:


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