Thursday, April 29, 2010

Infosys to hire 1,000 saff this year

Mumbai: Infosys will hire nearly 1,000 expats in a radical hiring shift this year to push its sales and consultation practice as the company turns its gaze on high-margin consulting and transformational deals. The company believes that it will help land lucrative deals and boost its image as a global IT powerhouse, reports Deepali Gupta of The Economic Times.

At present it has about 550 people in its consulting business and 700 in the sales team. Whereas Tata Consultancy Services has nearly 700 consultants, while around 6.7 percent of its workforce comprises foreigners. Overseas markets contribute nearly 98 percent of the country's second-largest software services exporter's business, but the so-called front-end workforce has just 5-6 percent foreign members, the company have to improve that.

"Functions like consultancy and customer support are better done with local flavour," said Gartner's Principal Research Analyst Diptarup Chakraborti.

IT sales, though, this time are not ambitious by technology, but by outsourcing to reduce costs, said Chief Financial Officer V Balakrishnan. Reversing the hiring strategy was also in order because the seemingly simpler application development and management contracts are now a hive of fierce competition. "Some part of the business is always going to get commoditised," said Balakrishnan, explaining the rationale behind the company setting its sight on consulting and non-linear services.


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