Thursday, April 22, 2010

Indian employees prefer socially responsible firms

Bangalore: A recent research suggests that an organization's participation in corporate responsibility and environmentally friendly business practices has a significant influence on employee engagement and business outcomes. The study by Kenexa Research Institute (KRI), a provider of business solutions for human resources reveals that three out of every five employees in India want to work for socially responsible organizations.

The result is based on the analysis of data drawn from a representative sample of employers surveyed through WorkTrends, KRI's 2010 annual survey of employ opinions. An organization that is considered to have a strong corporate responsibility atmosphere is one where business choices are made to support environmental responsibility, that bring out genuine responsibility and commitment to the communities where employees live and work.

Across all countries surveyed, while working for organization employees positively view corporate responsibility efforts has a significant, favorable impact on how they rate their pride in the organization, overall satisfaction and willingness to recommend it as a place to work. Furthermore, employees with favorable opinions of the organizations? corporate responsibility activities are more likely to state an intention to stay.

Anne Herman, Research Consultant, said "It will be of great interest to senior leaders in organizations; however, results also indicate that those organizations that implement corporate responsibility efforts outperform the organizations that do not own important financial metrics such as diluted earnings per share."

Employees in today's job market still care about the organization's values and reputation. Previous research indicates that corporate responsibility plays an important role in attracting interested candidates. Employees indicate that their organizations' corporate responsibility activities increase their overall job satisfaction. This is particularly true for those in upper and middle management roles and this knowledge can be key tools in helping organizations achieve their retention targets.


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