Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Windows 7 users facing battery in-trouble Alerts

Bangalore: After facing so many controversies since the launch of Windows 7, now Microsoft is looking into a problem that is causing some Windows 7 users to get a warning that there is a problem with their battery. According to the company sources, there is no any problem in the battery. It comes into the notice that the warning that is reflecting on the PC screen, uses the computer's basic input output system (BIOS) to try to determine whether a battery needs replacement. For some reason, the signals are getting crossed and some users are getting the message even when they should not, reports CNET.

Talking to CNET, Microsoft Official said, "We are working with our partners to determine the root cause and will update the forum with information and guidance as it becomes available."

The company hasn't given any specific timetable to fix it, but requested users to have faith and keep using Windows7.

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