Thursday, January 7, 2010

Y S Rajasekhara Reddy Murder Mystery!

Reliance outlets in the state of Andhra Pradesh were attacked on Thursday after a local media channel TV5 highlighted a report in a Russian website that claimed the Ambani family was involved in the crash of deceased YS Rajasekhara Reddy.

Staunch Reddy, or YSR as he was fondly called loyalists went about damaging Reliance outlets in the state capital and most parts of the Rayalseema region and have called on a bandh on Friday.

The report alleged YSR was killed due to his involvement in the Ambani brother's legal fight over the KG basin gas.

The helicopter of YSR crashed in September 2 in Andhra's Nallamalai Hills amid bad weather, rains and lightning.

Reliance was quick to slam the report and said it "condemned, rejected, rebutted the allegation of TV5 channel".

“We are shocked and outraged at the false, malicious, motivated and libelous news on TV5 Channel concerning the fatal mishap of Shri YS Rajasekhara Reddy's helicopter. We condemn, rebut and reject the allegation with the contempt it deserves," a statement from the company said.

"It is the dirty handiwork of our business rivals in cohoots with TV5. We will file a criminal complaint against the channel. We also demand that the central and state governments initiate an immediate investigation into these despicable acts and bring the culprits to justice.”

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