Monday, January 25, 2010

Samsung gained clean energy project

Toronto: Electronic giant Samsung and the Korea Electric Power Corporation has bagged a contract from the government of Canadian province of Ontario to manage the development of 2,000 megawatt-worth of new wind farms and 500MW of solar capacity, while also building a manufacturing supply chain in the province.

Recently, the Ontario government signed one of the largest renewable energy projects worth $6.6 billion, which will result in 2,500MW of new wind and solar energy capacity being built, reports BusinessGreen. The project is scheduled to be undertaken in five phases, with construction of the first phase - a 500MW renewable energy cluster in southern Ontario featuring 400MW of wind and 100MW of solar power - set to begin in 2012.

The resulting capacity will help to replace power currently provided by a coal plant in the area that is due to be decommissioned by 2014. "This means Ontario is officially the place to be for green energy manufacturing in North America," said Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty.

Under the terms of the agreement, Samsung - which was selected without an open tendering process - must build four manufacturing plants in Ontario, promising 16,000 direct and indirect jobs over the next five years. These new manufacturing facilities will produce wind turbine towers, wind blades, solar inverters and solar assembly by 2015.

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