Friday, January 15, 2010

Now, Bangalore PPL can call Auto as easy as CAB

Bangalore: Now the residents of Bangalore can have some respite from 'hunting' for auto rickshaws, thanks to Easy Auto, a scheme endorsed by the city police and RTOs, reports

With this pilot project in place, passengers can book autos by calling or messaging an IVRS number at 98441 12233. The 'easy autos' can be booked through as well. Generally, commuters spend around 20 to 30 minutes in getting a willing auto to take them to the required destination. Unfortunately, auto rickshaws think nothing of refusing passengers.

The other challenges faced by commuters are double meter and one-and-a-half meter demands. Despite reduced fuel costs, auto rickshaw drivers refuse to ply to a destination that is frequented several times unless commuters are willing to shell-out 'extra' money. Under the new scheme, passengers will be categorized either as registered (those entitled to door-to-door service) or casual (those who have to hire autos from EA stands). The plan is to have about 1,500 such stands in the city. For the Easy Auto service, a call centre will be instituted for the purpose of co-ordination between the passenger and the auto finding process. Reportedly, about 500 auto drivers have already enrolled for the service, and are eligible to get benefits like insurance cover.

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