Monday, January 25, 2010

Most executives in India are corrupt

New Delhi: About 86 percent of Indian employees believe that corruption is a common phenomenon in corporate India and those at the top management level indulge the most in it.

The acceptance towards corruption increases from lower management (83.4 percent) to middle management (88.1 percent) and further to senior management (90.2 percent)," said the survey by market research and consulting firm Marketing and Development Research Associates (MDRA). The study by MDRA was conducted among 742 employees across the sectors in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad.

The employees surveyed have ranked monetary transaction as the most prevalent form of corruption while nepotism comes at bottom. Monetary transaction at 39.2 percent is followed by exploitation at 17.1 percent.

Besides, breach of trust and fraud are the other form of corruptions widely seen in the corporate world. When it comes to activity-wise corruption, 36 percent respondents said most frequent corruption is observed in recruitment process followed by promotion/performance appraisal (24 percent).

Further, 22 percent of the surveyed employees said that it occurs most in procurement and 17 percent of them consider it is visible in project implementation, the survey said

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