Sunday, January 24, 2010

Intel trying to make Computers cheaper

Vadodara: Intel is trying to reduce the cost of computers so that more people can afford it. Ajay Bhatt, Fellow at Intel and Co-inventor of USB told PTI, "About one billion out of a total of a six billion people across the world have been using computers. Now we are targeting the remaining five billion people and want to provide computers to them at a lower cost and we have been making efforts in that direction."

Bhat is an alumni of Maharaja Sayajirao University (MSU) located in Vadodara and was in the city to give a lecture. Bhatt holds nine U.S. Patents and became a celebrity after an advertisement campaign launched by the company.

Bhatt also informed that Intel has been engaged in developing Intel Management Technology for addressing the problem of virus attacks on computers. Besides, he said, "Efforts are being made in the direction of reducing the cost of maintenance of the computers."

Bhatt said that research was on to develop 'LIGHT PEAK' technology to increase the speed of communications and making delivery faster.

Previous Post's: Google founders to surrender 10 Million shares

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