Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Victims don't have Food; Help

PORT-AU-PRINCE: Troops, doctors and aid workers flowed into Haiti on Monday even while hundreds of thousands of quake victims struggled to find a cup of water or a handful of food.

European nations pledged more than a half-billion dollars, with $474
million in emergency and long-term aid coming from European Union alone and $132 million promised by member states.

But Haitian had more immediate worries. "We don't need military aid. What we need is food and shelter", one young man yelled at UN secretary Geeral Ban Ki-moon during his visit to the city on Sunday. "We are dying," a woman told him. Haitian riot police meanwhile fired tear gas to disperse crowds of looters in the city's down town as several nearby shops burned. "We've been ordered not to shoot at people unless completely necessary," said Pierre Roger, a Haitian police officer who spoke as yet another crowd of looters ran by.

Donate to Earthquake Affectors in Haiti & Save Lives!
Funds will be directly used for Haiti people by iEncyclopedia society (About iEncyclopedia Society)


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